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Dan Roden

Dr Dan Roden

Senior Research Officer
Swarbrick Lab

Dr Dan Roden has a background in chemistry, computing and bioinformatics. For his undergraduate studies he was awarded a master’s degree in chemistry, from the University of Sheffield, during which time he developed a keen interest in physical chemistry and molecular simulation. After graduating with first class honours he spent a year researching the use of semi-conductors in interface characterisation and biosensors.

After this, Dan moved to London where he worked as an information technology consultant before studying for a master’s degree in computer science at UCL (University College London). He then returned to UCL to study for a PhD in bioinformatics in the lab of Professor David Jones.

Dan’s PhD research focused on developing automated methods for the prediction of protein function using phylogenetic and machine learning techniques.

In 2011 he moved to the Garvan Institute of Medical Research to take up a postdoctoral bioinformatics research position developing computational gene regulatory models for the role of transcription factors in breast development and cancer.