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Dana Bliuc

Dr Dana Bliuc

Senior Research Officer
Bone Epidemiology, Clinical and Translation Science Lab

Dr Dana Bliuc is a Senor Research Officer at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. She completed a master’s in medicine at the University of New South Wales, Australia, in 2004 followed by a PhD from the same university in 2011. Her master's involved a project aimed to improve the management of osteoporosis following fracture. This project was further extended into an ongoing successful Fracture Liaison Service. Her doctoral studies have focused on determining the total burden of post-fracture outcomes of re-fracture and mortality. Her work on mortality risk post-fracture resulted in several major publications and constituted the basis of an International Consortium of five cohorts from Europe and Canada aiming to determine the magnitude and determinants of fracture mortality association.

Following her PhD, Dana was awarded an Early Career NHMRC Fellowship to continue her studies on adverse outcomes following osteoporotic. She played a major role in the analysis of data from multiple large international studies aimed at understanding the burden of adverse events of subsequent fracture and premature mortality following osteoporotic.

Recently, Dana led several pharmaco-epidemiological studies investigating the association between bisphosphonates and mortality risk reduction and identified potential mediators for this association. She currently works on the development of a ‘whole-population’ database which will enable the study of osteoporosis treatment in sick people with multiple co-morbidities, which are currently excluded from previous research.


  • 2018Mid-career Gap Fellowship - Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society
  • 2015Sol Posen Research Award - Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society
  • 2015Young Investigator International Travel Award - IBMS
  • 2014NHMRC Early Career Fellowship
  • 2007NHMRC Primary Health Care Scholarship
  • 2007Young Investigator Award - American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
  • 2006ANZBMS/IOF Amgen Outstanding Abstract Award
  • 2004Osteoporosis Australia Scholarship

Selected publications

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