Clinical Insulin Resistance Group
Our research focuses on understanding the physiology of obesity and on developing sustainable dietary interventions that will improve health outcomes in people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Group Leader
Our current projects include:
- Metabolomic and lipidomic screens of liver, muscle and adipose tissue insulin resistance in human obesity, uncovering biomarkers of the different phenotypes of obesity (in collaboration with Associate Professor O'Sullivan and Dr Koay, The University of Sydney, and Professor Coster, UNSW Sydney).
- The Personalised Medicine in Prediabetes – Towards Preventing Diabetes in Individuals at Risk (PREDICT) Study aims to test the efficacy of metformin administered with a personalised diet on blood sugar control in adults with prediabetes or early-stage type 2 diabetes. The study is a Garvan-Weizmann Partnership (in collaboration with Professor Elinav, Professor Segal and their teams at the Weizmann Institute of Science).
- Reverse Engineering Insulin Secretion in Health and Disease is a project aiming to mathematically characterise the internal model taken by the pancreas to secrete insulin in response to a meal (in collaboration with Dr Ben-Zvi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and endocrinologists and bariatric surgeons from the Sydney metropolitan area).
Research team
Associate Professor Dorit Samocha-Bonet
View ProfileRenee Richens
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