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Tissue and Tumour Ecosystems Group

Our group focuses on understanding how the cells that surround the tumour communicate with each other and cancer cells to support disease progression and cause treatment failure.

Group Leader

Tumours consist not only of cancer cells, but also supporting stromal cells in the surrounding environment including immune cells, endothelial cells, and cancer-associated fibroblasts. As such, we are beginning to appreciate that tumours exist as dynamic cellular ecosystems. These various cell types within the tumour actively engage in crosstalk that plays a major role in the aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer, leading to immune evasion and poor drug penetration.

We are interested in finding novel ways to therapeutically target not only tumour cells, but also key cells in the tumour microenvironment. By modulating the tumour ecosystem, we aim to improve chemotherapy and immunotherapy efficacy. To identify rational therapeutic targets, our group uses the latest technologies, including single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics to profile patient-derived and genetic models at high-resolution and understand the molecular mechanisms underlying disease progression and therapeutic resistance.

Our overarching aim is to develop personalised treatment strategies and optimal combination therapies to overcome/circumvent treatment resistance and improve patient outcomes.

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